About Us

Dr. Priya is genuine & passionate about garbhasanskar. Not only do garbhasanskar but all ayurvedic pregnancy care. Her process of garbhasanskar gives everlasting good impressions on the mind of foetus. Modern science also agree to this fact of garbhasanskar process. She is alert about every signs & symptoms of pregnant lady. Authentic & perfect ayurvedic treatment for pregnancy complains.
Dr priya gives personal attention to each & every patient in garbhasanskar class pregnancy yoga session. Informative sessions are really helpful for upcoming mothers & fathers. More focus on practical sessions,yoga &exercise. Clears all doubts of pregnant lady.
Dr priya’s garbhasanskar classes are scientific &spiritual way towards motherhood.
Dr Priya Amrut Ashturkar
B A.M.S. I.B.C.L.C
International Board Certified Lactation Consultant.
Garbhasanskar Expert.
Member Of Breast Feeding Promotion Network Of INDIA
Dr. Ketaki is specialized in ANC/PNC exercises. Her approach is womens health in pregnancy & post post pregnancy is through clinical reasoning, the ability to identify , analyse & interpret. Decides pregnant women’s exercise & yoga posture after all your personal examination,weight ,BP,baby position,pregnancy week,sonography reports blood reports & any other medical history or illness. Her skill is to take indicated safe exercise for pregnant lady. Her work is pioneer in rehabilation & promotion of womens health using appropriate assessment & therapeutic intervention skills. Her exercise classes focuses on ANC/PNC exercise .posture back care. Ergonomics pelvic floor exercise. Breathing exercise. Dr ketaki’s goal of pregnancy exercise classes is fitness for pregnancy n beyond.
Dr. Ketaki Amod Kharosekar
M.P.T. M.I.A.P.
ANC/PNC exercise specialist

Dr Priya Amrut Ashturkar